Completed approx 1000 projects in HK, Macau and China over 24 years real experiences

連續 24 年在港澳地區及中國大陸已經完成了接近 1000 個地暖項目 6000 套地暖專用發熱線系統


Military Grade electric under floor heating cables

我們的專家已經有超過真 24 設計、安裝及維修保養地暖系統 (電熱式及水暖式) 的經驗


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Whatsapp: 93091403

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 Introduction of under floor warming system (什麼是地暖系統?)

floor heating curve profile, heated floor, floor warming system, floor heating, heating mat, heating pad, heating film, wooden floor

Tests have been carried out to establish an ideal temperature development curve from a heat-related physiological point of view. The temperature profile of the under floor warming is closet to the ideal curve. The use of an under floor warming ensures that the temperature is felt as particularly pleasant.

The advantages of under floor warming systems:

  • Low cost of consumption - saving energy through low ambient air temperature

  • Warmth and cosiness thanks to a high degree of radiated heat

  • Minimizing the distribution of heat loss thanks to low heating hardware temperatures

  • Better use of the floor space available without the presence of heating elements

  • Distribute low and even temperature from the floor 

  • Never affect the relative humidity inside a room (never cause your skin dry)

  • No dust migration, noise and turbulences caused by air circulation

  • Not only provide supplementary heat but also main heating to replace existing heating systems such as duct heating, central heating, radiators, etc. (traditional heating products)

  • Heat loss less than the traditional heating systems

  • More safety because of low temperature principle (28-30 deg C surface temperature) while comparing with the traditional heating products (spot heating higher than 200 deg C)


heating system, under floor warming, heated floor, heating mat, heating cable, heting elements heating system, under floor warming, heated floor, heating mat, heating cable, heting elements heating system, under floor warming, heated floor, heating mat, heating cable, heting elements heating system, under floor warming, heated floor, heating mat, heating cable, heting elements heating system, under floor warming, heated floor, heating mat, heating cable, heting elements 

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  • 地暖系統除了可額外提供溫暖外,它亦可完全取代傳統發熱產品,使到整個空間都溫暖

  • 女士們的恩物 --- 地暖系統不會使到室內乾燥。有別於傳統發熱產品 (一般會產生超過 200 deg C 以上的溫度,當空氣經過發熱源的表面時,空氣中的水份馬上蒸乾),地暖系統的地台表面溫度只會達到 28-30 deg C,完全影響不能空氣中的水份

  • 根據研究,有關人體對地暖系統感覺最舒適的圖表與人體對溫度感受最理想的圖表非常接近,即表示地暖系統到現時為止是唯一最理想的採暖系統

  • 由於地暖系統將熱力以低溫平均分佈在地台表面產生溫暖的效果,有別於一般傳統的發熱產品以集中一點供熱 (spot heating),因此熱損耗相對非常少,節省能源

  • 地暖系統的熱力可儲存在水泥層及地板材料內,即使關掉電源,熱力還可維持數小時而達至雙重節能的效果

  • 地暖系統的使用非常容易,基本上完全自動恆溫,不需理會

  • 沒有任何可轉動等配備,不會發出躁音;而且壽命更長

  • 若地暖專用發熱線沒有於施工時弄傷的話,理論上其壽命可長達數十年 (我們最長的項目已經使用超過 20 年了)(我們的專家已經有超過 20 年經驗了)

  • 不會產生塵埃、氣流等等

  • 總厚度不多,非常慳位


Contact person: Larry (35233296/ 93091403)


我們對於處理不同的地台材料(如雲石地台、地磚材料、地台瓦、木板材料包括實木地板、無縫木地板、 engineering wooden floor、地氈、自流平水泥地及普通水泥層等等)配合地暖系統有非常豐富的經驗;如何避免地暖系統被損壞已掌握一套非常完善的監察程序。

If you have any question, please call us for check ==> 



Whatsapp: 93091403

(直接聯繫/ click to contact)

93091403Larry Wong

(直接撥打/ click to call)


S&B Enterprises Asia Ltd

S&B Development Co


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